Saturday, January 30, 2010

30 January, 1911

Safety Camp, camp 3, at last.

We took a long time getting going this morning; we're going to have to buck up in that department. Atkinson had his foot lanced, and should be better in a few days. It's awful walking on rotten feet -- I hope I never have to!

The ponies went very slowly - sinking in the snow. They were very hot by the time they were done. I held a council of war after lunch and unfolded my plan: to take 5 week's worth of food for man and animals and depot a fortnight's supply after 12 or 13 days then return here. That way, the load for the ponies will work out at around 600lbs, and for the dogs 700lbs, not including the sledges. They should be able to do it if the surface is good, but that is doubtful. Oh well. It's the best we can do under the circumstances.

Shackleton's Nimrod tent proves that food can be left here for a good while without harm, which bodes well for us.

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