Wednesday, January 27, 2010

27 January, 1911

We started at 9:30 this morning, moving a load of fodder 3.75 miles south and then returning for lunch. Then me moved the camp and provisions. It's slow going and I am afraid the sea ice won't hold. I ventured out to Pram Point and found the ice dangerously thin off Cape Armitage.

The rest of the men went to the old Hut to see what they could do about digging it out - we saw cases of biscuit, butter and cocoa there, so will not be short if we have to camp here upon our return, but the snow is packed and solid and it will take a great deal of effort to clear.

The dogs are very tired tonight - 500lbs per sledge with 11 dogs is proving too much. They only get three-quarters of a pound of biscuit a day, which I think is too little. The ponies are good though, and Oates says his could have gone further than they did.

We men are all very tired too. I suppose we could have been in better shape with more sleep before this enormous task.

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