Tuesday, November 23, 2010

22 November, 1911

Camp 18

Everything much the same.

The ponies thinner but not much weaker. The crocs still going along. Jehu is now called "The Barrier Wonder" and Chinaman "The Thunderbolt." Two days more and they will be well past the spot at which Shackleton killed his first animal.

I wonder what nickname I will earn out of all this?

The weather is glorious and the ponies can make the most of their rest during the warmest hours, but they certainly lose in one way by marching at night. The surface is much easier for the sledges when the sun is warm, and for about three hours before and after midnight the friction noticeably increases.

We break through the crust in places. If the hot sun continues this should improve. One cannot see any reason why the crust should change in the next 100 miles.

It's all pretty much the same every day out here.

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