Monday, June 28, 2010

27 June, 1911

The Crozier party departed this morning in good spirits, their heavy load distributed on two 9-foot sledges. Ponting photographed them by flashlight and attempted to get a cinematographic picture by means of a flash candle. The film was a failure.

The pulling is going to be heavy out on the Barrier but there is nothing that can be done to stop them now.

This winter travel is a new and bold venture, but the right men have gone to attempt it. All good luck go with them!

Cannot sleep. Nightmares about walking off into the pitch black never to return. It has suddenly occurred to me that three of my best men have gone and might not come back. What if I lost Wilson! What would I say to Cherry's parents? How on earth would I be able to cope without Bowers? I can do nothing but sit and wait. I do hope it won't be long.

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