Friday, January 14, 2011

14 January, 1912

Camp 66

Sun showing mistily through overcast sky all day. Bright southerly wind with very low drift. In consequence the surface was a little better, and we came along very steadily, 6.3 miles in the morning and 5.5 in the afternoon, the the steering was awfully difficult and trying; very often I could see nothing, and Bowers on my shoulders directed me. Under such circumstances it is an immense help to be pulling on ski. Tonight it is looking very thick. The sun can barely be distinguished, the temperature has risen, and there are some serious indications of a blizzard. Meanwhile, less than 40 miles to the Pole.

Again we noticed the cold; at lunch today all our feet were cold, but this was mainly due to the bald state of our finnesko. I put some grease under the base skin and found it made all the difference.

Oates seems to be feeling the cold and fatigue more than the rest of us, but we are all very fit. It is a critical time, but we ought to pull through. Oh! for fine days! So close it seems and only the weather to baulk us.

Keep wondering where Amundsen is. I keep expecting to look up and see him. How nice it would be to be done with this and back at the cozy hut!

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