Wednesday, December 1, 2010

27 November, 1911

Camp 23.

Quite the most trying march we have had. The advance party got away in front, but made heavy weather of it, and we caught them up several times. This threw the ponies out of their regular work and prolonged the march. The second march was even worse. The advance party started on ski but the leafing marks failed altogether, so they had the greatest difficulty keeping the course. We have had awful weather.

It is snowing hard again now, and heaven only knows when it will stop.

If it were not for the bad surface and the bad light, things would not be so bad. It is several days since we had a glimpse of land, which makes conditions especially gloomy. A tired animal makes a tired man, I find, and none of us are very bright now after the day's march, though we have had ample sleep of late.

I could murder a curry and a pint.

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