Tuesday, September 15, 2009

15th September, 1910

Have begun to figure out what everything weighs and weekly allowances of food and fuel for the base camp and our sledging journeys. I must say, it's rather fun to do these daily ration lists--two lumps of sugar here, a spoonful of jam there. It's very important not to eat too much when out on the ice. A man can't drag a sledge in the snow if he's got a full belly. When we're at base camp though, we'll eat like kings. Actually, we'll eat just like we do at home, which is how every proper Englishman should eat. Three square a day with a nice dessert after supper. 

Was a bit worried about the hundreds of cases of tinned food that form the bulk of our provisions after so many of them were found to be rotten and mis-labelled when inspected at the docks. Everyone knows that scurvy's caused by tins that have gone off. Well, I'll instruct Clissold not to feed us any that look dodgy--are frothing at the seams, etc. And to check contents before use: imagine pouring a can of turtle soup into a pie instead of cherry filling! 

I can't think of a more perfect way of preserving and transporting food than the invention of the tin can. Using lead to solder them shut was genius. Makes them quite heavy, but SO much easier to get into. 

*NOTE TO SELF: remember to ask Bowers if he packed any tin-openers*

1 comment:

  1. Great Scott! There's another fine mess he's got into!

    Love to keep up with his daily news.
