Saturday, February 20, 2010

we covered 29 miles today. It was very cold at first, but suddenly the wind changed and the temperature rose til it was almost sultry! I think the weather must be MADE here, as opposed to coming in from elsewhere. The sky was a wonderful display of pink clouds against steely skies, with the sun circling low on the horizon.

The dogs are by no means played out - they settled into the most wonderful trotting rhythm and I spent a good deal of time trotting alongside them, so shall sleep tonight.

I wonder how I shall write up this experience. Shall I describe the dogs' performance as splendidly as they have appeared, or shall I bury it in favor of the ponies which I have set my store by?

I wonder how Evans's ponies have fared - Oates didn't think they'd make it back - and what news awaits us at the Hut.

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